Applications for the 2024 program are now closed.
FourthWave is open to technology companies with at least one female or female-identified founder. If you have any questions about whether you and your company could benefit from the program, please connect with us.
We believe that building a successful company requires curiosity and commitment when approaching leadership. In turn, FourthWave’s process dedicates equal effort to leadership awareness and coaching, honing best business practices and preparedness for scaling.
Sixty percent of selected companies will have their main headquarters located (or be willing to locate) in the greater Sacramento region. Up to forty percent of selected companies may come from other locales.
FourthWave believes in utilizing the best practices for creating an interactive, supportive, and educational environment in a virtual setting.
Our 2024 program will be primarily virtual, with a 2 day in-person launch during the week of August 5th. There will be additional opportunities for optional face-to-face interactions in Sacramento at several points throughout the program if/when possible.
You should have some traction, e.g. a prototype, MVP, strategic partners, investors, revenue, etc. Please don’t rule yourself out—connect with us.
As a non-profit organization, FourthWave is committed to providing exceptional leadership development, insightful mentors, and access to funding. The organization does not take an equity stake in participating companies, nor does it currently invest in its cohort companies.
For companies that are accepted into the cohort, FourthWave ask each team to pay a one-time fee of $400, as demonstration of commitment to the program, and to help offset the costs. If this is a burden, FourthWave will work with accelerator cohort members to offset, as to not inhibit anyone from joining for fiscal reasons.
FourthWave’s ultimate goal is to create a supportive and educational environment that enables female founders to build successful and sustainable businesses.
Learn more about the FourthWave Accelerator Program from the FW team, and two former cohort members! Recorded on May 16th, 2023.